Three acoustic tunes that’ll put a smile on your face this spring

Shadwick Wilde – “When all of this is over”
-There’s a mesmerizing acoustic style to this track. The guitar sets a mood, but Wilde has a timeless vocal style that is, in a word, striking. If you haven’t heard this one, definitely sit down and take it in. There’s an energy to the song that feels like it’s from another era, yet it snaps with a modern energy that I genuinely appreciate as well. The acoustic guitar is outstanding, but the vocal is as well. The combination, with the mood-establishing strings in the background, make for a wonderful listening experience.

Cereus Bright – “One stoplight town”
-We’ve been covering Cereus Bright for years now. This latest track explains exactly why; they’re really good folk artists. The unhurried, easy going style of this track really connects with me. Of all the ways the band could have taken this track, they decided to keep it plodding along with this syrupy sentimentality. It doesn’t bop; it crawls. But the spirituality and existential complexity here is worth your time, concentration, and engagement. This is a remarkable piece of artwork that bends in some truly unique directions. Give it a spin.

Giri Peters – “Fallin'”
-From the first time I heard this track from Giri Peters, I knew I was hearing something special. It’s a mixture of traditional acoustic elements with a contemporary pop ethos. It’s hard to really place exactly what’s going on, but there’s a characteristic light rasp to Peters’ vocal style that works really well on this one. The unconventional beat and more contemporary lyrical style definitely keep it from being a traditional tune, but it’s still worth consideration.

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