People ask us all the time how they can help us with our mission at Ear To The Ground Music.  The answer is pretty simple… no this isn’t a PBS pledge drive… the answer is to share our work on social media.  It’s not about ego.  It’s about exposure.  The bands that we write about are extremely talented, but the only way their incredible art can get out is for us to talk about it.  That’s the impulse behind the site to begin with, but we only have a limited sphere of influence in those we know.  To expand our impact, we NEED you.

-Please like us on Facebook and regularly “share” our posts with your friends.

-Please follow us on Twitter (@Eartothe_Ground) and retweet our tweets.  Tweet our articles directly to the artists to let them know that you, the fans, are reading our work.

-Like, comment, and directly share on the site.  You don’t have to share every article every day, but if everyone who visited our site shared just one article with one friend per week, we would see so much more advancement of our goals.

-In addition to telling us about bands, please tell bands about us.  We seek to be a resource beyond simple “free press.”  We also hope to connect artists to other like minded artists who are operating under a similar independent music model.

Thank you for your help and thanks for visiting our site.