6 Of the Best Tracks We Heard This Week

Grei – “Sky’s The Limit”

This one is anthemic and intimate, while crafting a boundless sound of hope. Starting off as a standard acoustic singer songwriter track, it takes off into a different realm with the help of electro pop sensibilities. Dreamy, catchy, and undoubtedly cool are all descriptions you can add to the young artist’s sound. Her ability to mix the melancholy with the hopeful is a rare gift. Knowingly or not, she expands what folk pop / electro pop can sound like. There is an almost matchless quality to the musical arena she has carved out for herself. This is easily one of our favorite tracks.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/360476753″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]


Foreign Figures – “Hey Love”

It is beautiful when a few simple elements, such as a piano and a heartbreaking voice, can create a captivating sound worthy of the Top 40 and beyond. The mastery of the pop genre on this is extraordinary and the brothers behind this act describe it this way: “’Hey Love’ is a song about forsaken and forgotten by love. The performance in the music video is a tribute to Landon Lowry, a dear friend of the band who took his life due to a lack of self love.” There is enough content behind the scenes to craft an incredibly timely ballad. The band have opened for acts like X Ambassadors and American Authors, while winning over fans with their debut Come Alive EP. 2018 is set to be an incredible year for the multi-talented act.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2BqiFFxHWI]

Walken – “Unomi”

This Aussie rock act is uninterested in fitting in. Their sound is progressive and fresh, while still being accessible to the masses. On “Unomi”, we find a band who knows what the Arctic Monkeys crowd are in to, while still inserting blues riffs with crooning vocals that will engage and delight various crowds. Their style and substance makes it impossible not to root for these guys. The video is perfectly choreographed and transfixing with a young dancer setting the pace, before focusing on the act on a garishly adorned stage. We cannot wait to hear their new What’s Your Environment? EP that will drop in mid-December. These gents are hard not to like.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Dseu8DXZIo]

Line & Circle – “Vicious Folly”

The throwback style of these guys is refreshing and absent in any form of irony. The sound seems to fit them entirely as they craft a mix of Motown with ‘80’s pop and ‘90’s grunge. Excited yet? We originally described them around the office as similar to The Smiths, yet I don’t think this is entirely fare. Their style is much more optimistic and endearing. Also, seeing they originate from Ohio is a huge bonus for us. The LA transplants have a humble Midwestern sensibility and rock ethic that will continue to drive them into the hearts of listeners. Their new EP takes the name of this title track and is a must if you like creative and engaging rock.
Vicious Folly by Line & Circle
Queens of the Stone Age – “The Way You Used to Do”

Things are looking up for this undiscovered rock act. Okay, we know, this is not necessarily an undiscovered act, but they submitted music to us and we have loved them for going on two decades, so there. Also, their latest Villains album has gotten its share of detractors unfairly. We totally love the direction the band took with this release and love that they never take themselves too seriously and this video is proof of that. Lots of dancing. Lots of color. Lots of weirdness. Dig it.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lw6MZBmY-U]

In My Coma – “Next Life”

This rock act is ambitious and driven. We can appreciate any band that relentlessly approaches every avenue to get their art in the hands of listeners and reviewers alike. Recently the four piece received a significant grant to record their next album and have hustled their way to developing a team around them to promote their tight rock sound. There is something to be said about how incredibly straightforward they are, and we mean this as a compliment. Their ability to craft catchy rock vibes is a definite art they all but master on their latest LP Next Life. With its realease, they have solidified their sound and won a place next to the more established rock acts flooding the radio waves.

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