2021 Sound: 2 Exceptional Artists to Watch This Year

Kyns – “The End”

“The End” is one of those exceptional tunes that beautifully captures the moment. Crafted within the artist’s bedroom during quarantine, Kyns shows a vulnerability that 2020 will be known for. With urgency and talent, her ability to layer intriguing sonic textures is something to take notice of. There is more going on in this one than we imagined, and therefore took a few listens to get what she was doing within it’s short play. It was an impressive introduction to an artist we cannot wait to hear more from.

girlhouse – “Knuckle Tattoo”

The inspirations behind this track are evident and intriguing. It plays like a slow burn, but still has a ’80’s energy that peaks and dips throughout. Complete with an electronic drum part, it is hard to not fully dig this one. It has a simplicity for sure, but this may be a strength of the artist. Without trying to do too much, and showing a mature restraint, girlhouse are able to thoroughly pique our interest, leaving us wanting more.

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