Three indie folk jams for your Sunday

Party of the Sun – “Goldenwood”
-Something about this tune reminds me of another era. The energy of the composition feels vintage. The tone of the guitar and even the vocal quality seem to capture something of the late 70s. If you’re a fan of the Rayland Baxter style of Americana, you’ll enjoy Party of the Sun quite a bit. The lyrical style reminds me of one of our favorite bands, Dawes. It’s clever and engaging.

Casey Noel – “Marsh Girl”
-The depth of the low notes from the cello on this tune help to define it. Once the lonesome, sincere vocal enters the track there’s an eerie feeling that takes center stage. It’s a hard song to “like” in the sense that it is incredibly sad, yet it’s an important song. It reminds me how I felt when I first heard “Whiskey Lullaby.” It’s dark and mysterious, but worth a spin from fans for indie folk music.

Carmanah – “Stand Up”
-I’ll go on record saying Carmanah is probably a top five favorite artist found in 2020. I am really excited to explore more deeply this intriguing sound. The tone on the vocal is timeless feeling, yet at the same time some of the production decisions feel necessarily modern. I would really like to hear this record on vinyl some day. It’s political in a way, but it’s also just common sense. If you stand for love, then stand up. If you stand for hate, sit back down. PREACH IT! Love this.

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