A midweek (or is it!?) playlist

Human Barbie – “Don’t run away”
-If you like creative singer songwriters, go ahead and drop that follow on Human Barbie. I’ve never heard anything like this. There are elements of theatricality along with “alt rock” flavors. It all mixes together for a truly unique sound. I think the piano root gives it a nice base, allowing the vocals and horn work to take the mind in special directions.

Max Garcia Conover – “Handsome Suit”
-This is a narrative folk song that will pull at your heartstrings. There’s not much I can say that the lyrics don’t convey. It’s definitely one that you should just stop everything and focus on for a bit. It’s a heartbreaking tune that somehow holds a ton of optimism in the chord progression. I am entranced by this track.

LMH – “To do”
-This track is labeled as commercial and I guess I agree with that… but it’s also really damn smooth. I don’t know what it is about the song that feels so good but it’s definitely good. I think we’re all getting in a pretty loopy headspace with this quarantine, but thinking about being in bed with someone you love, “nothing to do but lay with you” sounds good. Obviously don’t play this one on the family playlist, mmk?

Shade – “Combat Rave”
-If you’re looking for a chaos aesthetic from some gritty guitars and an upbeat tempo, you’ll find it in this track from Shade. I love that it hits the chorus and mellows out a little bit. Something about the effect on the vocal feels like it could be from any time in the last 20 years or so, but it feels befitting our present moment. The aggression in this one hits close to home for me personally. Crank this one and smash some braincells.

Penelope – “Slippin to you”
-I don’t always approve songs with distortion on the guitars, so when I do it has to be done just right. This song is absolutely in that “just right” category. It’s like this lucious combination of Fleetwood Mac style production with a modern Maggie Rogers vibe on it. I can’t quite explain what makes it pop like that, but I adore this track. I’m definitely into it from production to vox to overall lyricism. I’ve had someone stuck in my head like this before, so I can relate. BIG FEELS.

Hopper – “Caught in the moment”
-I’m a fan of the subtle guitars in the opening of this track that feel like it’s about to take off… like a rocketship at launch. It feels so weird hearing lyrics about the drudgery of a commute having driven nowhere in the past month. That said, the energy here is definitely in that alt-meets-pop space of rock music. A musicologist might have a better way to explain what I mean, but you fans know… It’s definitely worth a spin. Give Hopper a shot.

The Mammoths – “Slow burn”
-There’s a snark about this song that puts it in my approval column. I guess it’s the combination of the bluesy beat and the distortion heavy vocals. I really like the guitar fills between verses as much as the actual vocal parts. I think I’m a fan of the vibe of the track as much or more than what it’s about. It reminds me of what a live show sounds like where you can’t really hear the words but you’re just squinting through the smoke and smiling with your friends. Remember that? Live shows? Having friends? The good old days. Anyways, this is a good track and deserves your spin.

Reuben and the Dark – “Hold me like a fire” (Social Distancing Choir)
-I like this.
No, actually I love it. There’s nothing I can say about this musically. It’s brilliant and beautiful. I’m not crying. You’re crying. We’re all crying. Hold me like a fire. Hold me like a river.

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