Hollow Coves Craft Incredibly Heartfelt Folk

The Brisbane duo known as Hollow Coves strive for more than simply making hits. While their talent is in many ways unmatched and more than capable of generating an audience (the over 40 million streams of versions of “The Woods” is proof), the optimism of Ryan Henderson and Matt Cairns shines through with every earnest note.

After our EP came out, we got a lot of messages from people saying that our music helped them through tough or stressful times,” recalls Matt. “I think that definitely motivated us when we were working on Moments. We wanted to continue to write songs that could help to shine light and bring a bit of peace into people’s lives.”

Perspective is so important.” adds Ryan. “More and more we keep hearing about all the tragedies around the world. The focus is so often pointed towards the negative. It’s easy to get stuck in that. I guess in a way we wanted the album to be the music equivalent of some sort of new-age retreat where people might go to sit still, renew their mind, and shift their focus to something more positive.”

Ever building on their momentum, Hollow Coves are an 11 song LP that is sure to grow their fanbase. Their talent and heart exude in their single “When We Were Young”. The track works as a great introduction to a phenomenal band that needs to be on your radar if they are not already. This is folk music the world needs in this uncertain moment.

We hope our music can have some sort of positive impact,” the duo agree. “If people walk away with a changed perspective — inspired, motivated, or just a little bit more stoked with life, then we would consider that a success.

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