Great Post Rock From Heron and Quiet Theory

Heron – “Sun Release”

Pennsylvania act Heron produce some of the most engaging tracks we have heard recently. Their understanding of sound and texture is at an entirely different level than many of their peers, and while they can craft incredible post rock tracks, the band is diverse enough to blend many genres and styles. One of the talents we were struck with in “Sun Release” is their ability to use space and silence as another instrument, blending an almost haunting soundless soundscape. The title track to their sophomore album is a perfect closer and introduction to an act who has become one of our favorites.

Quiet Theory – “Doorway”

“Doorway” is a surprising blend of layered sound that keeps listeners engaged through its criminally brief (under 3 minute) play. It is interesting to us that when we were first introduced to the act, we had some interesting bio information available from the one man act. Now however, we are only teased with the words “music. pedals. time travel.” When fans search their website, they find interesting pedals and a long sleeve shirt for sale, and not much more. Regardless of the frustratingly limited resources available, we do know that “Doorway” is an incredible piece of layered rock.

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