Your Thursday Rundown: 3 Talented Songwriters With 3 Different Styles

Emily Kohne – “Open Road”

This one has all the feels. A classic one-take track, Kohne has the perfect vocals that lean into country, rock, and Americana. The Canadian artist has a knack for connecting with many different listeners, regardless of taste. The guitar echo is especially haunting and serves as an unshakable foundation for the track. A new album should be on the way from the young singer songwriter, and if it sounds like this, then we should be holding our collective breath.

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Sean Christopher – “A Thousand Hues”

This could very well be our favorite track of the year so far. The acoustic songwriter has all he needs within the confines of his Buckley – esque voice. His debut album, Yonder, is set for release in May and we can barely wait to hear a full length study of his art. This particular track has a heartbreaking background: “I read a story a few years ago about a Japanese man who lost his wife during the Tsunami back in 2011,” says Christopher. “He could not find her on land and decided to take diving lessons to search the sea. I was really moved by it and ‘A Thousand Hues’ was written soon after.”

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Micky James – “Give It To Me Straight”

I wanted to take pieces of nostalgia and give it a contemporary twist,” describes the vintage sounding James. He does just that on his latest single, which his first since touring with his band and focusing more on his solo work. The track is gloriously rock and roll and infectious as it is catchy. The gang vocals force listeners to sing along and further preach the rock gospel. The charismatic artist delivers every line with classic swagger while bursting through a sound that is bright and all-inclusive. The track has it all, including a classic visceral howl and guitar solo that aren’t to be missed.

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