Phillip Bronchtein – “Oregon Air”-I have made it publicly known that if I ever “run away from home” it will be to the PNW. Bronchtein’s brilliant atmospheric folk sound on this track helps explain why that’s where I’d go. Bronchtein’s wonderful baritone lead …
Tag Archives: Wilder Woods
If Americana is your thing, check out these tracks!
Lucinda Belle – “Baby don’t cry”-I love the jazzy spirit of Lucinda Belle’s music. She seems to always pull me right into the heart of the music. After the “break” in this song, you’ll find yourself swinging hips and thinking about bygone lovers. …
Six country/Americana singer songwriters to celebrate the summer
Wilder Woods – “Supply and Demand (Acoustic)”-This track from NeedToBreathe’s Bear Rinehart again echoes the soul of the South. There’s a seriousness to the vocal style here that shows years of performance and quality. Even the guitar comes across as effortless, even though …
Folk and Americana to sooth the soul
Titus Calderbank – “Mistakes”-This is one of the most impressive, dynamic Americana songs I’ve heard in years. I had never heard Calderbank’s name before clicking play on this song, but he won me over immediately. There’s a power in the vocal that really …
Need to know: Wilder Woods – “Someday Soon”
Wilder Woods makes music for fans of NeedToBreathe and similar gospel-flavored rock music. Woods is not the type of artist we typically in that he already has a big time record deal. That said, since he’s still on the come up, we wanted …
A playlist to ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF this week
Arms Akimbo – “Pitchfork”-We first heard Arms Akimbo several years ago. They got my attention for having a clean guitar part and a really quality lead vocal. Really, does a rock band need much more than that? I like the enjoy, accessible style …