Carson James Argenna – “Budding Romance”-This is a lovely song. If you were a fan of great singer songwriters in the late 50s or early 60s (or grew up listening to them on “oldies” stations) you will love this song from Argenna. The …
Daily Archives: May 17, 2019
Americana – Music from sea to shining sea
Farewell Company – “Shadows”-The jangly Americana style from Farewell Company keeps impressing me. I don’t always jive with this type of loose, party folk rock music, but this band seems to strike a chord (see what I did there?) with me. I think …
Catch these fantastic indie rock bands on the rise!
Tribe Friday – “Sixteen Minutes”-It’s hard to explain how much feel good energy this song has, so I encourage you to just click play on it. Do you feel like dancing? Me too. I love the clever lyrics, the perfect crack in the …
Need to know: Wilder Woods – “Someday Soon”
Wilder Woods makes music for fans of NeedToBreathe and similar gospel-flavored rock music. Woods is not the type of artist we typically in that he already has a big time record deal. That said, since he’s still on the come up, we wanted …