Three new rock tunes to energize your 2021 summer

Scoobert Doobert – “I live in California”
-As an Ohio-based blog, we were taken aback by the lyrics of this song about a kid from Ohio going to Cali and bragging to all his friends about how much fun it is. The groove, though, is incredible. The lyrics don’t always add up for us on this one, but the overall mood of the track is perfect for a summer playlist. The tongue-in-cheek sense of the writing really pops when juxtaposed with the groovy beat and energy. This is one that I’ll be spinning when I’m looking for a laid back cruising or party track. Scoobert Doobert, aside from having a great artist name, totally gets the fun loving, easy going, “let’s actually have fun with music” sense that we need right now.

Izzy Heltai – “Met on the Internet”
-We’ve covered Heltai in the past, more often within the folk genre. But this track “Met on the Internet” from Heltai feels a bit more distinctly rock. The storytelling style is still there, but the beat and overall energy of the track feels like a rock tune. Fans of 70s classic rock will find a lot to like with this track. The historical distance created with the lyrics makes some of us feel really old listening to this theme. The lyrics are certainly going to unsettle some folks, while many of us find great comfort in the nostalgic simplicity of the early days. This is a contemplative and meaningful track.

Evan Blair – “Sleepwalker”
-I appreciate the groove on this track. It’s listed as alt rock and I’m cool with that classification. The opening has a really solid clear lead vocal, but once the chorus hits the song goes from good to great. The production quality on this track is really good. I’d love to see how this one would do getting some major airplay. It’s got a throwback alt rock vibe that reminds me a bit of the mid-90s but the production here feels a lot more crisp than those older tunes. If you’ve ever been in a haze and struggled to get through life, these lyrics will be relatable. “I wanna get out of my head and do anything else instead…” Whew. Been there. What a tune.

Image courtesy: Scoobert Doobert IG

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