An acoustic singer songwriter playlist for your late Autumn

Lucas Davies – “No good for you”
-The rolling fingerpicking style of this track won me over right away. Then Davies started to sing and I sat up in my chair. You have my attention, sir! I love the bluesy lyrics. He’s no good for whoever he’s singing to, or so he thinks. If you’ve ever been in this mental and emotional state, the song will cut right to your soul. The production is top notch here, allowing Davies’ tender vocal to permeate the sound.

Cecilia Ebba and Emma Miller – “Snowy Roads”
-We’ve had our first snowy roads here in Ohio a few weeks ago, so this song makes sense. It’s also the holiday season of “coming home” often. I admire the avant garde melody decisions made in select places in this song. I think what impresses me most about this song is the way the delicate vocal duo is held together by a beautiful bit of violin work. This is what a folk duo is all about for me. I like it.

Ariana Brophy – “Naked”
-When I first heard the intimacy of Brophy’s song “Naked,” I felt like I had been invited into a very personal place. It’s confessional and genuine. Brophy’s voice seeps into the air, “now I give you my music, naked and sore.” Wow. If you’re a fan of authentic singer songwriters, you simply must listen to Brophy’s articulate style. It’s stunning.

Elina – “Another round”
-This song has a wonderfully delicate quality about it. The piano reminds me of classic pop piano acts like Vanessa Carlton or even Elton John. But really what makes the song take off for me is the way the production allows Elina’s vocal to sink into the track. It’s a beautiful composition that deserves to be heard around the world.

Tyler Bernhardt – “Places to go”
-Tyler Bernhardt is getting his name added to my short list of intriguing new songwriters. There’s a complexity to this song that reminds me a little of Randy Newman. It’s pop. It’s jaunty. It makes you feel good. And Bernhardt’s voice sounds like that one friend you had in college who always had his guitar and a Dave Matthews cover to share. You’re thinking of him right now, aren’t you? Yep.

Fergus – “Not Enough” (Acoustic)
-If you are looking for mesmerizing guitar work and a penetrating poetic voice, give Fergus a listen. When the vocal harmonies enter the track, there’s something positively stunning that happens. This is an eloquent composition that feels like it could be a metal track, honestly. It’s got this aggression to it that feels hard to explain. It’s like the vocalist is showing off a more tender side, but there’s definitely a Dustin Kensrue (of Thrice) energy to the track.

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