Artist Interview: Hollis Brown – Can’t touch this indie rock

1) For those who haven’t heard it yet, how do you describe the “Three Shots” album?

Straight ahead American Rock. It’s what pop music should be. It’s a record that conceptually touches on a lot of things through the eyes of various characters and their situations in life.

2) What do you think gives you your distinctive rock sound? (Which I described as being a “fresh take on classic rock.”)

We can do it all. We can rock, we can roll, we can bring the tempo fast or slow. We can sing and we can play. Right now there’s no one touching us.

3) I compared your sound to several different rock bands. Who do you consider to be your biggest inspirations?

As a whole we are always influenced by the best songwriters, the best songs always win for us.

4) How do you go about the songwriting process?

Me [Mike Montali] and Jon usually get together and flush out each other’s ideas, then when we are content with what we have we bring it to the group, then it goes with us to the studio, it changes quite a bit.

5) The album features a collaboration with a Bo Diddley recording, which is about as legendary as it gets. How did you set up that connection?

Playing live as a rock band opens so many doors. Have to just keep gigging until the right person turns up at the right place.

6) Your website says you were going for a “bigger sound” on this album. Are you satisfied with how the sound came out?

Very much so, we are really proud of this one.

7) At one point I compared some of your chill sound to Fleetwood Mac. Do you like that comparison, or do you prefer a harder musical description?

I love Fleetwood Mac, I think that’s actually a solid comparison. They sang together beautifully, and the rhythm section was king. Really strong songs and tasteful guitar.

8) Are you touring to support the album release? What shows are you particularly excited about?

We will be on tour supporting The Counting Crows from July-October, in every city in America. Then we will head to Europe for a headlining tour until around Thanksgiving. Lots and lots of playing live coming up.

9) Is there anything you want the readers at EarToTheGround Music to know about the band, the album, or the tour?

We are 5 guys who are just following our passion. We get to travel the world and play something we created and there’s no better feeling then that sometimes. We leave everything we can on the stage.

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