We Died at Sea- Rag Mama Rag EP: Leeds Musicians Take their Lead from Across the Pond

We Died At Sea. Rag Mama Rag.
We Died At Sea, 2013.

We Died At Sea: http://wediedatsea.bandcamp.com

Keeping it short and sweet this week, here’s a charming three track EP that will whet your whistle for a new group out of Leeds, UK.  We Died At Sea is a four piece acoustic group that sounds straight out of another time, complete with mustaches and suspenders.  Fiddle, drums, guitar, and stand up bass form the back bone of their sound, with washboard making the odd appearance.  They recently played Hyde Park with John Parish, and while you probably won’t see them in the US too soon (although We Died at Sea might be my latest addition to the “why go to Great Britain” list), you can at least listen to their music on Bandcamp and SoundCloud.  Take a handful of minutes, check them out, and enjoy the waning hours of the weekend!

Tracks: Rag Mama Rag, I am Drinking Again, Wolves

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