You hear it all the time – heck, you might even be one of the people SAYING it all of the time. “Music just ain’t what it used to be…” Or people will critique music, “have you heard that song on the radio …
Tag Archives: sharing music
Help Wanted: Redditors, Twitter users, and avid Facebook users – Help us help musicians
We need help with our social media efforts here at EarToTheGround Music. We have a few folks that do their best to spread the word, but we want to enlist a small army of folks. Will you join us in this endeavor? What …
Ten Steps to Mastering the Digital Music Revolution – For Fans
When musicians are working hard to get their music “out there” they think up lots of strategies. Sometimes they give away music or do house shows for small groups of people. The thing is most of those musicians are real life artists, pouring …