Three alt country tracks that will help listeners connect with the roots of the genre

Clover County – “Under These Conditions”
-This might be the latest entry to the song of the year running that I’ve ever had, but it’s so good I have to include it. Clover County has this sound that is endearing and inviting in one fell swoop. Something about the composition style feels like a connection between Jason Isbell and Brandi Carlile. I know those two are royalty in alt country, but honestly this song deserves to be in that company. My favorite part, though, is probably the vocal phrasing. It’s so hard to explain to people how important these carefully crafted lines really are. It’s a cool sound that feels comfortable and familiar in the absolute best way possible. I have a feeling I’ll be writing about this one again in a few weeks.

Avry – “Pick My Pockets”
-I love the vocal style of this track. There’s a charming melodic structure that feels like what I always enjoyed with Rusty Clanton. The reassuring “ohhh I’ll be alright” sentiment is wonderful and calming. The minimal instrumentation allows the listener to cozy right up to the melody here, which is a comfortable place to be. The guitars create space allowing the lyrical lines to really come through on this one. If you’ve ever hit a stretch of rough luck where you had to tell yourself everything will be okay, this song certainly will resonate. Fans of the connection between folk and country music will like this one.

The Devil Said Jump – “Bedrock”
-If you’re a fan of good folk duo harmonies and some classic organ work in the background, this song has the potential to be your new favorite. Something about the space and energy of the guitar gives the song a nice chill groove. The shifting style on the bridge is unexpected and gives the song a truly unique texture. This is an unconventional track that has shades of different genres, including bluesy alt country. It’s definitely one you have to click play on to fully appreciate.

Image courtesy: Clover County IG

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