Three acoustic folk singer songwriters who bring us back to our roots

Ea Othilde – “Green River”
-The light energy of this track stole my heart from first listen. You’ll listen to thousands of folk songs without another one that captures this production balance so perfectly. The way the vocal bounces on top of the acoustic is absolutely fantastic. The vocal is phenomenal in making a complex melody line feel easy to sing. The lyrics are about the importance of enduring with someone; it’s a message of steadfastness and devotion. It’s full of gorgeous layered harmonies and an energy that almost defies words; you just simply have to hear it.

Abby Litman – “Train”
-There’s an acoustic guitar at the opening of the song that provides a through-line in the song. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but it’s the train. The guitar is the line that propels through the narrative. Litman brings her characteristic storytelling folk style to an absolutely engaging track. Partially through an organ descends onto the track, adding a layer of depth that feels perfect. The production style moves to being a bit more theatrical but if you listen carefully… that acoustic is still there, chugging along.

Memorial – “Old Oaks”
-The harmonies on this track are outstanding. There’s a cathartic energy to the track. The wish of “being better” is at the core of the song. The guitar work is also really well done. The combination of all of these parts, though, creates something that defies simple comparison. If I had to make one, I would say there’s an experimental folk style that reminds me a bit of the Fleet Foxes and Bon Iver energy of the early 21st century folk revival. No matter their comparable artists, Memorial are an artful folk act well on the rise in 2022. Give this unique track a bit of your time.

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