Coral Palms – “Open roads”
-The first band that comes to mind when I hear this new track from Coral Palms is the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Something about the snappy electric guitars and staccato vocal style feels like that golden age of alt rock from the early 90s. It seemed like this kind of high quality mix with some really expressive vocal intonations was all over the radio. Now we find the aggressive but still fun guitar work on a track like “Open Roads” that is perfectly titled and primed for inclusion on your driving playlist for this spring and summer. Get the windows down and crank this one.
Hamish Anderson – “Morning Light”
-If you’re looking for a groove and some nice guitar licks, check out Hamish Anderson’s music. This new groove from “Morning Light” feels like it might have been recorded in the 70s and placed in a time capsule for us to enjoy in the present day. The fuzz on the guitar work in the background is just right. The pop flavor on the vocal mix will put a smile on a lot of faces. This is a track from another era with a modern production buzz. Dig it!
The Weather Might Say Otherwise – “I’ll drink to that”
-My first impulse is to compare this to Fallout Boy. Honestly, though, the mix here is really unique to this track. The guitars sound great and are intense. The lead vocal is probably the best part. It’s unbelievably difficult to pull off a good “punk rock” vocal. This whole style, from guitars to bass to drums and of course lead vocal are all really well done. The sound is so visceral, I can feel the sticky floors of the punk rock venue while I listen. I would definitely appreciate checking out these guys live some time soon. What a sound!
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