How Do You Cope When Someone Ghosts You?

How Do You Cope When Someone Ghosts You?

Ghosting is the act of cutting somebody off without explanation. When someone ghosts you, it can be painful. The person cuts off contact, and you don’t know why. You may suspect certain reasons, but they don’t want to talk to you, so you can’t learn the truth from them. It can tough to cope after you are ghosted. A friend, ex-partner, or even a family member can ghost you. Here’s how you can learn to deal with the pain of being ghosted.


You can’t change what somebody thinks about you. The only thing you can do is accept that they don’t want to have contact with you. The more you fight and keep trying to talk to them, the more frustrated you’ll become. When someone ghosts you, they don’t want to have anything to do with you, and that can hurt. But try just to accept that it’s not about you. This has to do with them and their boundaries. Accept the fact that they are no longer a part of your world and embrace the people that are.

It’s not a judgment of your character

It’s crucial to remember that when someone ghosts you, it’s not because you are “a bad person.” You’ve hurt this individual or angered them; that’s different from taking responsibility for your actions, and it is to label yourself a terrible person. What you can do is accept your accountability in the situation but don’t punish yourself. Try to learn from the experience. Also, remember that it isn’t only about you. Sometimes two people are not meant to be friends. It could be that this person is not a good match for you. It’s not only about you being the one that is a “problem.”

Be okay with the unknown

Try not to obsess over why you were ghosted. You may have some ideas, but don’t go searching for answers from other friends to the point where you’re agonizing over the answer. This person does not want to have you in their life, so it’s best to accept that you may not know why you were ghosted. For now, they do not want to have a connection, and it’s best to accept their boundaries. You may never know why they don’t want to talk to you, and in time, you will learn to accept that, and the pain about this loss will lessen.

Allow yourself time to grieve

It’s understandable to be sad about being ghosted. It hurts, so you can accept the fact that this is difficult for you. You don’t have to force yourself to heal right away. You can mourn the loss of this relationship, whether it was a friendship, business connection, or ex-partner. Ghosting hurts, and having no closure can be the worst. Try to remember that it’s not a reflection of you and who you are. All you can do is try to learn from the experience. If you recognize some things that you have done in the relationship that you would like to change in future connections, that’s a learning experience, and you can reflect upon Those actions and try to do them differently next time. Another thing you can do is speak about ghosting with a mental health provider. You can talk about how it made you feel and find ways to cope.

Talking about relationships and online therapy

Online therapy can be an excellent place to discuss relationships, including being ghosted. You can talk to an online counselor about anything. It’s a safe space to discuss any issues you have. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it. You can find an online counselor at a company like BetterHelp, and there are many different types of therapy to choose from there. A mental health professional can help you work through the pain of being ghosted so you can feel better. There will be relationships that come and go in your life. But you can read them for what they are and the value they bring. Not everybody needs to like you, but it’s important to appreciate those who appreciate you.

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

*We support mental health and are proud of our sponsors. As always though, the views and links placed here do not necessarily match those of Ear to the Ground Music or its editors.

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