Lunchtime Playlist March 14: Five proper folk bands

Some people love the variety on our page, others probably don’t open half of the articles. It’s okay. It’s a lot, we know. Anyways most of you like folk, so enjoy this list with your munchies today.

Faultlines – “Rain”
-One of the long standing legacies of folk music is a political language. Protest runs in the veins of folk. That comes through in this gospel laden tune from Faultlines. You’ll hear incredible vocals and a southern gospel feel that sends chills right up your spine. We’ll stay out of the political commentary here, but let’s just say there’s a lot of historical resonance with the southern Democrat tradition here.

Marmalakes – “Not Gonna Control You”
-This folk jam might be right on the edge of rock and we love it there. The characteristic twist and turn in the lead vocal is stellar. We can’t get enough of the way this vibe is both chill and pops at the same time. The tone on the guitars feels timeless and it makes for an infectiously enjoyable tune.

Fontaine – “Dagger”
-Contemplative folk, layered guitars, and a crispy overall composition make for a truly enjoyable listening experience. The duo vocals partway through the track are sure to send shivers up your spine. The poetic lyrics will require multiple listens, but are sure to keep you thinking about a hope for the future.

Deanna Petcoff – “Terribly True”
-Petcoff’s sound is right on the line between indie pop and folk, so of course we melted when we first heard it. She’s clearly for fans of that timelessness of a band like Fleetwood Mac. Her vocals are really comfortable. They are true without being some sort of diva powerhouse. The minor chord changes on the chorus are worth the price of admission on “Terribly True.”

Max Garcia Conover – “One Good Morning”
-Conover reminds me a little of Joe Purdy in his spoken folk style. It’s beautiful and unsettling. The backing track can be a bit distracting from the folksy guitar and great vocal, but it all works in the end. The words are really complex and the more I listen to them, the more I want to hear them again. Let’s dream together, shall we?

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