One of the great things about running this site is that we get submissions from literally all over the world. Some places we had to Google to find them, others we receive dozens from each week. Here we want to feature a few from different countries that we hope you will enjoy.
The Other End – “Far from Home”
-The voice here… oh my word. You will melt in your seat listening to this song. The beautiful inflections in the vocal rise and all perfectly over a contemplative electric guitar line. The whole thing is loving and lilting, uplifting and sweet. When it moves to a discordant section, the listener is awakened for a moment… but it makes the resolution all the sweeter. This song is an experience.
United Kingdom
Heather Jayne – “The Power”
-Heather Jayne is an intriguing singer songwriter. The production on the track includes several different elements, but when you get to the “drop” on the track you’ll feel the pure energy. When the vocal soars over that, “I have the power” resonates. It’s a song that is full of dynamics and quality vocals.
Math Club – “Water to Wine”
-Gang vocals are my fav. The “ohhahhhohhh” part of the chorus on this track is one of the coolest hooks I’ve heard in a really long time. The layered electric guitars here create a brilliant full backing sound, setting up the perfect base for the subtle lead vocal. The vocal inflection of the lead is interesting, too, as he is careful not to over-sing the lyrics. They come across as poetic, expressive, and genuine. Ironically, part of the theme of the song is to speak carefully and not speak out of turn. I can relate to these lyrics… deeply.
The Lambing Season – “The Memory and the Flood”
-This Irish singer songwriter has written a gorgeous ballad. The contemplative lyrics work beautifully with the minimal arrangement here. Even when the full band joins, it has the feeling of being a “less is more” type of track. The sense of impending joy and excitement makes the song build throughout the piece. Once the “storm” hits… whew… it turns tragic. This is a moving piece.
Daniel Champagne – “All of My Stars”
-Sometimes you hear an artist and just know that they are star material. Champagne has that style to his writing and overall snappy pop flavor. The song begs that it be played over the speakers at your office or local retail space. That’s not a knock, either. The palatable singer songwriter vibe, something akin to John Mayer or David Gray, really makes for a popular songwriting style. Here’s hoping some of the powerful folks who read this blog will give Champagne his chance to break globally.
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