If you’re interested in folk music, you’re on the right website. Bump that “like” button on the right side and follow our site. But let’s get back to this interesting band, with some dark lyrics and upbeat style. Lords of Lichtenstein came in second place in one of our NMF contests, but we still wanted to give them a quick feature since we dig what they’re up to so much.
“Kool Aid”
-This is a mildly raucous song. Really the song moves along nicely with a fun style at the beginning. But as you listen to the lyrics, it actually turns a bit dark thinking about dying due to alcholism. That said, the blend of party vocals and genuine string work make for a cheery-yet-dark sound.
“Bird’s Eye View”
-This is a love song with more of a pure rock sound. Yet, it reminds me of a kind of folk rock sensibility not unlike Dylan. As the song unfolds, there’s even a kind of Don McLean “classic America” feel to it. Although a love song, it’s ultimately dark and tragic. You just have to listen to it; I don’t want to summarize lyrics this cutting.
-From my perspective, there’s a measurable quality difference (that is upgrade) with “Witches.” Something about the composition style and the vocal are just better than the other tracks. I would love to hear a full album of a sound more like this one. That said, whether it’s the vocal harmony or the haunting feeling of the song’s resonating chorus, this song is one that keeps me coming back for more. I hope they write more of these.
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