As some of you might realize, this website began as a dream to help music fans and bands find one another. Sure, we offer criticism and commentary, but really we want to connect people. We want to connect amazing people doing amazing things to one another. Can you help us continue to do that through your own art, passion, and support?
You may have seen some branded or sponsored content in the past few months. We would like to add more of that. Here are a few ways that we can offer help and partnership on our site:
1) If you represent a brand, we can offer sponsored content mixed in with our regular content. Rather than an obvious advertisement, we can mention products and services in with other featured articles. We’re really looking to integrate things like food, clothing, and everyday products. Do you have those types of things to sell for your company? Consider partnering with us.
2) If you represent a band, we can mention the band or do a sponsored write up about them. I know, you’re thinking this sounds an awful lot like “pay for coverage.” But here’s the difference – with pay for coverage we surrender editorial space to cover a band. But with branded content, we disclose the support and folks know. We include a brief disclaimer that we were compensated for the review/commentary and there are no ethical concerns.
3) If you are a fan or reader, you can recommend the site to others. The best way to do this is with an online share through social media. When you read pieces that remind you of a friend or loved one, share the article with them. On the business side of things, recommend that folks consider branded content with us. Everyone wins!
Are you interested in partnering with us in this way? Email us at with “Branded Content” in the subject line. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Our prices are negotiable. It is our desire to develop meaningful relationships between our readers and the music they love. Will you help us with that?
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