If I can tie these three songs together with a theme, I think it’d be surrender—the way the trees give way to winter, letting loose what they can no longer afford to nurture in order to enter necessary deep rest. Radical acceptance of …
Monthly Archives: November 2023
Jeffrey Martin Proves He is a Generational Talent on “Paper Crown”
We have anxiously anticipated new music from Portland songwriter Jeffrey Martin for what seems like an eternity. In an environment of constant busyness and overbearing distraction, we often overreact and forget the beauty of music is how it slows us to focus on …
Three energetic, pop-influenced singer songwriters that you’ll want to follow forever
Emelia – “The Circle”-It took me until the end of the first verse to get my jaw off the floor… then I realized not only do I love this voice, but I have covered it before. Emelia has one of those voices that …
Three unique alt pop tunes that will bring energy this late November
Lyncs – “Dancing on the Freeway”-I’ve covered Lyncs a few times in the past, so when I saw this artist name submission I was excited to hear the new track. There’s a pop energy to the track that absolutely begs to dance while …
A Classic Post Turkey Playlist: Compelling Artists for All to Enjoy
Tom A. Smith “Fading Away” When Sir Elton John says you are going to be a “big star”, you’re in a pretty good place in your career. Garnering praise from John as well as publications like NME, has become standard fare for the …
Three understated and beautiful indie pop tracks that have you in your feelings
Niamh Evans – “Fingers Crossed”-“In my head there is a version of you that is so in love.” Wow. The lyrics of this song are heartbreaking and they cover the theme of heartbreak. It’s looking back on a relationship at some of the …
A pair of new folk tunes with exceptionally high production quality
Aaron Rizzo – “Florence Again”-The quality of the production on this track is absolutely outstanding. The lyrics are about the dream of being with someone and naming their daughter Florence. There’s a dreamlike energy to the way the vocal blends in the production …
Three alt country tunes that beg for your attention in this late November
Emory Duncan – “If You Say Goodbye to California”-I’m not sure there’s really a genre for this new track from Emory Duncan, which is why the “alt” tag works so well here. There’s a banjo, so it’s at least Americana/folk adjacent. What I …
Featured Single: Jenny Kern – “Are We Still Falling In Love”
Jenny Kern – “Are We Still Falling In Love”-I’ve written about Jenny Kern’s music in the past, so it’s easy to hear why I said yes to this one as well. Kern has a fantastic voice and a great sense melody. This is …
Album Review: Jen Hawley – Fragile
Instead of leading this review with a genre tag, I just want you all to know that Jen Hawley has an amazing voice. That’s the most important part of this album; Jen Hawley can sing! Fans of pop-flavored music with aspects of several …