Three folk singer songwriters for your chill acoustic playlists

Wolf van Elfmand – “Heavy”
-There’s a calming acoustic sentiment at the core of this track that is sure to catch a lot of listeners’ attention. The lyrics roll nicely from concept to concept. The main idea is about having someone weigh heavy on your mind. It’s a fun little juxtaposition with the easy going fingerpicked rhythm that establishes the main theme of the song. The combination is ideal for folk.

Pat Byrne – “Until it isn’t”
-If you’ve been around ETTG for a bit, I’m sure you’d seen Pat Byrne’s name. He’s a talented singer songwriter who has a characteristic style that puts me in mind of David Ramirez, among others. Byrne’s overall vibe is right on that Americana/folk line. The steel guitar is particularly magical on this recording. The lyrics are about looking about on what happened in a disappointing situation, but there’s a hopeful energy in the recording. “Maybe we can find some peace of mind in the after glow…” Amen to that. It’s a song about a “beautiful mistake” and… whew… we’ve all been there.

Jimmy Cloud – “Hollow soul”
-I appreciate the easy going acoustic work of this song. It really pulls the listener in. This is the type of track that when you listen to you swear you’ve heard before but you can’t quite place it. Trust me it’s brand new and really good. The bluesy flair on the guitar riffs reminds me a bit of early John Mayer. The pop-influenced acoustic singer songwriter vibe works really well on this one. Jimmy Cloud is a name to watch in the acoustic singer songwriter world moving forward.

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