Three genre-defining Americana tunes

Travis Shallow – “Let it pass”
-Something about the recording space and resonating acoustic guitar really works on this song. Once the vocal enters, gruff and direct, there’s a powerful truth-telling message here. Far too often we sink our hearts into something that’s not meant to be. Travis Shallow sings from a personal depth here that’s easy to hear. As someone who feels like the “days are slippin’ by” a bit too quickly, this song is a timely reminder. It’s a yes from me!

Dan Emino – “Story”
-When I first clicked play on this song, I enjoyed the space between the guitar and the vocal. Something about it just clicks in the recording booth. As I listened closer, though, I realized Emino has a wonderful knack for lyrics and a powerful theatrical vocal. I was reminded of Carson McKee listening to Emino’s careful articulation and timeless writing style. I’ll be keeping my eye on Emino’s work… and listening to his stories.

The Barrel Boys – “Going fishing”
-If you’re looking for some genuine old timey music, listen to the Barrel Boys. The music is pretty straightforward bluegrass (in a good way). The vocal sounds like it came out of the vintage Jimmie Rodgers songbook. The timeless energy of this track might not be for fans of more modern Americana (i.e. the Jason Isbell fans), but it is definitely going to appeal to those who like the real roots of Americana and country music. I came for the jangly banjo and stayed for the stand up bass; this is great!

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