Oh Steady – “Wild side”
-I really enjoy the plainspoken sincerity of Oh Steady. Something about this track reminded me of Ben Rector, who I love. There’s an energy to this track that feels both familiar and exceptional. The recording has a clarity that allows the listener to feel every note. The encouraging lyrics and bright guitar/piano work really cultivate an enjoyable sound. I definitely plan to come back to Oh Steady for more.
Drover Shy – “When I’m gone”
-I enjoy the folk energy of this track. The high-low harmonies here are definitely interesting. I find the string work on the guitar to be a nice way to connect the disparate parts of the track. The lyrics are timeless, feeling like they could have from another era. The whole composition is worth considering for fans of more serious folk music.
Brooks Dixon – “Not in this alone”
-Brooks Dixon has an approachable, engaging acoustic style. The guitar stands on its own while the lead vocal works perfectly, settling into the mix naturally. I appreciate the lyrical message of the track that we’re not in this alone. Talk with your friends and family who can help you endure. When you feel uncertain, look for the helpers (right Mr Rogers?). The understated “looking for a leader” lyrics here resonate well with the editors at ETTG.
Aaron Parke – “Breezes Blow”
-This is one of my favorite songs I’ve heard in a really long time. The harmonies on this track are absolutely OUTSTANDING. Something about the Partridge Family style here connects with me perfectly in our historical moment. It feels genuine and engaging in ways that I don’t always feel with folk music. Whoever balanced the mix on these vocals is world class. I could listen to this kind of music all day!
Kat Hammock – “Space”
-Whew this track hit me with some pretty powerful feelings. That line “I’m into you more than you’re into me” is perfectly placed with the syntax of the melody. In fact, Hammock writes the entire song with brilliant phrasing. She reminds me of what I first liked with Taylor Swift’s ability to write about every day concepts with clarity and precision. I’m really interested to follow Hammock’s career. There’s an incredible promise there. I really like the approachable pop energy of this song.
Sea Offs – “Somehow”
-If you’re a fan of folk music, you’ll like the Sea Offs. It’s as simple as that. I’ve been drawn to the unique texture and energy of the Sea Offs music over the past few months. There’s a sincerity in the composition style that draws me into the depth of each song. With “Somehow,” there’s a gentleness that comes through in the melancholy vocal style. It’s about a sad subject of moving on, but there’s a brightness to the process on it that I find quite… strangely… encouraging.
Dan Croll – “Grand Plan”
-This song is a bit of musician-ception. It’s a song about what it’s like to make music. It’s a self-conscious song about being self-conscious in your life. Yet despite all of that, the point is not having a plan makes you uniquely prepared to adjust on the fly. As a chronic planner (and worrier) myself, I find Croll’s ironic lyricism in this song to be delightful. It reminds me of something Ben Folds might appreciate. I am excited not only for this song but to follow Croll’s approachable and witty pop acoustic music.
The Tame and the Wild – “This is the beginning”
-THERE. ARE. BRIGHTER. DAYS. AHEAD. That’s about all you need to hear from this song. But listen to the rest of it because it’s a delightful, energetic indie folk song. I am particularly excited for the lead vocal here. The moving energy fuses traditional and modern folk styles into something that will appeal to fans of the Head and the Heart or Ivan and Alyosha. This is definitely a folk energy that you need in your life right now.
Image courtesy Popular Parke on IG.
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