Five tracks for your moon-lit dance party

Bear Paw – “Moonshaped”
-I don’t know if they have a genre description for this song, so I’m calling it Americana. There’s definitely some old school rock guitar action here. But more than that, it’s just a really great feel good song. It gets your toes tapping. I can picture singing that “something mooooore” line around a bonefire with friends. It’s that kind of jam.

Wooden Horsemen – “It Don’t Matter”
-On the surface this is a blues rock song, but more than that it’s a song that pulls us into a fun and engaging mood. Just wait… wait for the horn break, ok? Beyond that, though from the moving beat to the lead vocal, it’s the kind of song that will get you outside of yourself for an out of this world, fantastic danceable track. It’s hard to describe, but it’s not the hang your head blues for sure.

Sleepy Tom – “Move”
-This is a disco track in electro pop clothing. But we’re not even mad, you know? It’s sexy and fun. If you listen to this song and you don’t want to dance (all alone in your room) what on earth is WRONG With yoU? It’s snappy and a ton of fun. What the lyrics lack in depth they make up for in absolute banger dance move opportunities.

Benjamin Love – “Touch”
-So this one emphasizes the dance part a bit more than the moonlit part of this collection. But seriously can you listen to this song and not want to dance? It’s infectiously fun! Get into that groove. It’s also really uh… how do we say… carnal? Yeah it would be a fun one for the dancefloor!

Alissa Musto – “Hiding Away”
-Any time you write a song that makes me think of John Fullbright, you’re in good standing. That said, Alissa Musto has written a captivating song that is perfect for the “beneath the stars” image that this playlist is all about. It’s about the city, but it also has this beautiful openness to it that’s just like stargazing. The genre blend works on this one because Musto’s style is just so likeable and believable. I want to hear what she can do on piano when she really lets loose! This feels like a tease of the potential of a rising new artist.

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