Calgary James–Bay Cruisin’

It’s sunny and gorgeous here in Cleveland today.  I know that most of the people on the internet think that daylight savings is a meaningless, worthless, and outdated construct but gaining that hour this weekend has seemingly brought me new life. As it has been getting darker and darker, it is more and more difficult to get out of bed in the morning, more difficult to perform my daily activities, and more difficult to live a happy existence.  I’ve found myself lying on the couch at four in the afternoon listening to a mind-numbing soundtrack of 1980’s hair metal with no will to do anything else.  But after that time change, I feel way more myself and I was so happy to find Calgary James in my inbox this morning, even more excited to write and share him with you.  He made the sweetest soundtrack to my cup of tea in the sunshine this morning.

I think that “Bay Cruisin'” is technically pop music.  It is smooth, mellow, piano, voices, electric sounds, electric voices.  It feels a little bit like the Beatles in some places.  It’s really, really enjoyable.  It feels like those warm spring breezes off Lake Erie rippling through the tendrils of the willow trees at Edgewater Park.  It’s totally danceable and beautiful, groovy and brilliant.

The EP opens up with an instrumental piece that is rhythmic, classy, catchy.  It feels like the soundtrack to a Pixar film.  It’s beautiful.  I love piano.  The simplicity of this music is stunning.

“So Long” is a looking-for-love-song that sounds so classic, yet so modern.  I’m loving the subtle, harmonious vocals on the second verse.  “My Dog Bruce” has these effervescent, twinkling sounds shooting around the melody.  “Mission Control” is dreamy.  Dreamy dreamy dreamy.  Outer Space dreamy and dancey and floaty and still grounded, still organic feeling.

Give Calgary James a listen.  It’s a really unique sound that will seem like an old friend and breeze you through your morning or afternoon.

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