Artist Interview: Michael Stovall

Michael Stovall entered our Second Annual YouTube Battle of the Bands and won the FOLK category. His reward was… well… questions from us! Oh and some guaranteed coverage of his album. Check out these awesome interview questions provided by our own Kate Bee and Michael’s intriguing answers. See also – his totally fab tunes.

1. When did you reach the point where you considered yourself a musician, and not just a kid with a guitar.

Honestly, I think I reached that point when I completed the recordings for the “Georgia” album. That record was such a huge task to take on for me. Not just the writing aspect, but the production side of the album was very daunting. I was basically teaching myself how to mix and produce everything on the fly. I knew if I completed this album on my own, that I would have accomplished something special. When I finished the album and I let a few friends hear it, they were blown away by it. I started to consider myself a real musician after that.

2. What person in your life has impacted you the most,artistically. How?
My dad played guitar, and he bought me my first one. He also introduced me to The Beatles and Bob Dylan, which changed my life in an awesome way. But I also know that the support from both of my parents has led me to where I am today.

3. Have you always lived in Georgia? How have the places you have been affected your music?
I’m originally from the Muscle Shoals area in Alabama. I’ve only been in Georgia for 4 years. Georgia has obviously had a very big influence on my music. The album “Georgia” was basically a summing up of what I’ve experienced in my 4 years here in Georgia. It’s a story of a kid growing up, moving away, and experiencing life on his own. I think when I’m older and look back on this album, I’ll be able to see a snapshot of who I was at that particular time. I think that’s pretty cool.

4. Do your guitars have names? Are they named after anyone?
I have 2 main acoustic guitars, and they are the only ones with names. One is Becky, and the other is Suzanne. I don’t know where the names came from, but they seem to fit perfectly. I think they get jealous when I play the other guitar for too long, so I try to love them equally.

5. What are some possibilities you look forward to in the future? Or things you think you would like to try musically?
I certainly think going on a small tour is a possibility for later this year, now that the album is all wrapped up. I’m almost finished with a live EP that I’ll be putting out in a few weeks, so I’m looking forward to that. I’m always tossing around different ideas for a new album or EP, so you never know when I’ll have something new to listen to.

6. What is your favorite way to spend a cool summer evening?
Driving down a country road with the windows down, listening to great music. In my mind, there’s nothing better.

7. If you were some kind of weather, what would you be?
You know, some times I would be a beautiful, breezy summer day. Other times, I’d be a severe thunderstorm with a strong chance of hail.

8. If you could collaborate with any musician throughout history, who would you choose. Why?
Prince. I’m almost certain that I would be too scared to talk to him, but it would be awesome to see how he works in a studio.

9. Coffee or tea?
Sweet tea all day. I’m a southern boy

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