Quick Hits: The Fox and the Moon and The Intermission Project – Emerging folk music

The Canadian trio The Fox and the Moon released their self titled EP late last year. It highlights their incredible vocal harmonies. Although it’s a short EP “recorded in a cottage,” it’s evident that these are some extremely talented musicians. Their dynamics, vocal blending, and overall songwriting chops make this an enjoyable short album and put the band on a very short list of anticipated future releases.

The UK band The Intermission Project have something special going on in their music. Although I don’t typically highlight three song EPs, this one is just so good. It’s like the band has a sense of how good they are, too. From precise gang vocals to joy-filled hand claps and subtle minor chord turns, this is not your average new folk music. Once they get a full album out I want to interview them just to find out what THAT influence is. It’s evident that they’re replicating a former style. Frankly it sounds a bit like early Beatles in the songwriting, which would explain both the joy and they dynamism. In any event, this is pretty much a must-listen group for readers that generally enjoy bands I feature.

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